Release 3.12
Home Quickscrum Releases 3.12
Project based column configuration within product backlog
You can show/hide columns within product backlog specific to the project. Earlier the same column configuration would be applied to all the projects.
Consolidated Timesheet - Billable Filters
We have added a new filter for billable hours in the Consolidated Timesheet. You can now filter resources based on their billable hours.
Consolidated Timesheet - Billable Progress
We have added visual progress bar for billable hours. It shows percetage of billable hours for the specific resources. The percetage is calculated based on working hours and billable hours.
Workitem progress
The workitem progress is calculated based on its underlying tasks and the tasks of its children workitems. Earlier, the workitem progress would work only based on its underlying tasks.
We are working on many exciting enhancements to strengthen your internal processes and speed up your project deliveries.
Good luck and stay safe
Team Quickscrum
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