Sindbad~EG File Manager
#!/usr/bin/env python
# ====================================
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# All rights reserved.
# See license.txt for license information.
# ====================================
import os
import sys
import pwd
import grp
import codecs
import fnmatch
import copy
import imp
protocol = imp.load_source('protocol', '../')
nxDSCLog = imp.load_source('nxDSCLog', '../')
LG = nxDSCLog.DSCLog
import hashlib
md5const = hashlib.md5
shaconst = hashlib.sha256
except ImportError: # Only sha-1 is available for python2.4.
import md5
md5const = md5.md5
import sha
shaconst = sha.sha
# [ClassVersion("1.0.0"), Description("The configuration provider for files and directories."), FriendlyName("nxFileInventory")]
# class MSFT_nxFileInventoryResource:OMI_BaseResource
# {
# [Key, InventoryFilter] string DestinationPath;
# [Write, InventoryFilter] boolean Recurse; //default = false
# [Write, InventoryFilter] boolean UseSudo; //default = false
# [Write, ValueMap{"follow", "manage", "ignore" }, Values{"follow", "manage", "ignore"},InventoryFilter] string Links; //default follow
# [Write, ValueMap{"md5", "sha-256", "mtime", "ctime"}, Values{"md5","sha-256","mtime","ctime"},InventoryFilter] string Checksum; //default md5
# [Write, ValueMap{"file", "directory", "*"},Values{"file", "directory","*"}, InventoryFilter] string Type; //default *
# [Write, InventoryFilter] uint32 MaxContentsReturnable; //default 1024 bytes
# [Write, InventoryFilter] uint64 MaxOutputSize; //default 10485760 bytes
# [Read] string Contents;
# [Read] datetime ModifiedDate;
# [Read] datetime CreatedDate;
# [Read] string Mode;
# [Read] string Group;
# [Read] string Owner;
# [Read] uint64 FileSize;
# };
#{'Links': u'ignore', 'MaxOutputSize': None, 'Checksum': u'md5', 'Recurse': None, 'MaxContentsReturnable': None, 'DestinationPath': u'/tmp', 'Type': u'directory'}
def init_locals(DestinationPath, Recurse, Links, Checksum, Type, MaxContentsReturnable, MaxOutputSize, UseSudo):
if DestinationPath is None :
DestinationPath = ''
if Recurse is None :
Recurse = False
if UseSudo is None :
UseSudo = False
if Links is None :
Links = 'follow'
if Checksum is None :
Checksum = 'md5'
if Type is None :
Type = '*'
if MaxContentsReturnable is None or MaxContentsReturnable < 0:
MaxContentsReturnable = 1024
if MaxOutputSize is None or MaxOutputSize < 0:
MaxOutputSize = 10485760
return DestinationPath.encode('ascii', 'ignore'), Recurse, Links.encode('ascii', 'ignore').lower(), \
Checksum.encode('ascii', 'ignore').lower(), Type.encode('ascii', 'ignore').lower(), \
MaxContentsReturnable, MaxOutputSize, UseSudo
def Set_Marshall(DestinationPath, Recurse, Links, Checksum, Type, MaxContentsReturnable, MaxOutputSize, UseSudo):
return [0]
def Test_Marshall(DestinationPath, Recurse, Links, Checksum, Type, MaxContentsReturnable, MaxOutputSize, UseSudo):
return [0]
def Get_Marshall(DestinationPath, Recurse, Links, Checksum, Type, MaxContentsReturnable, MaxOutputSize, UseSudo):
arg_names = list(locals().keys())
DestinationPath, Recurse, Links, Checksum, Type, MaxContentsReturnable, MaxOutputSize, UseSudo \
= init_locals(DestinationPath, Recurse, Links, Checksum, Type, MaxContentsReturnable, MaxOutputSize, UseSudo)
retval = 0
DestinationPath = protocol.MI_String(DestinationPath)
Type = protocol.MI_String(Type)
MaxContentsReturnable = protocol.MI_Uint32(MaxContentsReturnable)
MaxOutputSize = protocol.MI_Uint64(MaxOutputSize)
Recurse = protocol.MI_Boolean(Recurse)
UseSudo = protocol.MI_Boolean(UseSudo)
Links = protocol.MI_String(Links)
Checksum = protocol.MI_String(Checksum)
Contents = protocol.MI_String('')
ModifiedDate = protocol.MI_Timestamp.from_time(0)
CreatedDate = protocol.MI_Timestamp.from_time(0)
Mode = protocol.MI_String('')
Group = protocol.MI_String('')
Owner = protocol.MI_String('')
FileSize = protocol.MI_Uint64(0)
arg_names.extend(['Contents', 'ModifiedDate', 'CreatedDate', 'Mode', 'Group', 'Owner', 'FileSize'])
retd = {}
ld = locals()
for k in arg_names :
retd[k] = ld[k]
return retval, retd
def Inventory_Marshall(DestinationPath, Recurse, Links, Checksum, Type, MaxContentsReturnable, MaxOutputSize, UseSudo):
DestinationPath, Recurse, Links, Checksum, Type, MaxContentsReturnable, MaxOutputSize, UseSudo \
= init_locals(DestinationPath, Recurse, Links, Checksum, Type, MaxContentsReturnable, MaxOutputSize, UseSudo)
retval = 0
out_size_cur = 158 # xml output header + footer length.
xml_overhead_array_element = 99 # xml output overhead per Inventory array entry.
xml_overhead_param = 102 # xml output overhead per Inventory parameter.
_Inventory = []
Inventory = DoInventory(DestinationPath, Recurse, Links, Checksum, Type, MaxContentsReturnable, MaxOutputSize, UseSudo)
for d in Inventory:
if out_size_cur < MaxOutputSize:
out_size_cur += xml_overhead_array_element
for k,v in d.items():
out_size_cur += xml_overhead_param
if 'Date' in k:
out_size_cur += len(k) + 25 + 3 # The final date format wil be 25 chars, +3 for type tag.
out_size_cur += len(k) + len(repr(v)) -2 # The repr(v) will add two quotes.
if out_size_cur >= MaxOutputSize:
d['DestinationPath'] = protocol.MI_String(d['DestinationPath'])
d['Checksum'] = protocol.MI_String(d['Checksum'])
d['Type'] = protocol.MI_String(d['Type'])
d['Contents'] = protocol.MI_String(str(MaxContentsReturnable))
d['ModifiedDate'] = protocol.MI_Timestamp.from_time(d['ModifiedDate'])
d['CreatedDate'] = protocol.MI_Timestamp.from_time(d['CreatedDate'])
d['Mode'] = protocol.MI_String(d['Mode'])
d['Group'] = protocol.MI_String(d['Group'])
d['Owner'] = protocol.MI_String(d['Owner'])
d['FileSize'] = protocol.MI_Uint64(d['FileSize'])
_Inventory = protocol.MI_InstanceA(_Inventory)
retd = {}
retd["__Inventory"] = _Inventory
return retval, retd
def DoInventory(DestinationPath, Recurse, Links, Checksum, Type, MaxContentsReturnable, MaxOutputSize, UseSudo):
Inventory = []
full_path = DestinationPath.split('/')
if full_path[-1] == '':
full_path[-1] = '*'
wildcard_path = False
for p in full_path:
if '*' in p or '?' in p:
wildcard_path = True
if wildcard_path:
top = '/' + os.path.join(*full_path[:wildc_start])
else :
top = '/' + os.path.join(*full_path)
if not os.path.exists(top):
print("Error: Unable to read 'DestinationPath': " + DestinationPath)
LG().Log("ERROR","Unable to read 'DestinationPath': " + DestinationPath)
return Inventory
if not wildcard_path:
if Links == 'ignore' and os.path.islink(top):
return Inventory
if Type != 'directory' and os.path.isfile(top): # This is s single file.
d = GetFileInfo(top, Links, MaxContentsReturnable, Checksum)
if 'DestinationPath' in d.keys():
return Inventory
if '*' not in full_path[-1] and '?' not in full_path[-1]:
full_path.append('*') # It is a directory without the trailing '/', so add it.
dirs = set()
full_path_len = len(full_path)
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in walk(top, followlinks=(Links == 'follow'), topdown=True):
dlen = len(dirpath.split('/'))
if dirpath.split('/')[-1] == '':
dlen -= 1
if wildcard_path and full_path_len >= dlen+1:
do_wildcard = True
else :
do_wildcard = False
st = os.stat(dirpath)
scandirs = []
if dlen+1 == full_path_len or ( Recurse and dlen >= full_path_len ):
for filename in filenames:
if (dlen+1 == full_path_len or ( Recurse and dlen >= full_path_len )) \
and not fnmatch.fnmatch(filename, full_path[-1]):
if Type != 'directory':
d = GetFileInfo(os.path.join(dirpath, filename),\
Links, MaxContentsReturnable, Checksum)
if 'DestinationPath' in d.keys():
for dirname in dirnames:
if not ( Recurse and dlen+1 >= full_path_len ):
if ( do_wildcard and not fnmatch.fnmatch(dirname, full_path[dlen]) ) or \
( not Recurse and dlen > full_path_len ):
st = os.stat(os.path.join(dirpath, dirname)) # use Lstat if follow?
dirkey = st.st_dev, st.st_ino
if dirkey not in dirs:
if Recurse or (not Recurse and dlen+1 < full_path_len) :
if Type != 'file' and ( dlen+1 == full_path_len or ( Recurse and dlen >= full_path_len ) ) :
d = GetDirInfo(os.path.join(dirpath, dirname), st, Checksum, Links)
if 'DestinationPath' in d.keys():
dirnames[:] = scandirs
return Inventory
def GetFileInfo(fname, Links, MaxContentsReturnable, Checksum):
Return a dictionary of info for file.
If 'Links' == 'follow', no link files will appear here,
those links will be sent to GetDirInfo() as direcroties.
Therefore only LStatFile is used.
If file is link and 'Links' == 'ignore' {} is returned.
fileContentChecksum = "@{{Algoritm=%s Hash=%s Path=%s}}"
d = {}
if fname.endswith("omsadmin.conf"):
return d
if os.path.islink(fname):
d['Type'] = 'link'
else :
d['Type'] = 'file'
if d['Type'] == 'link' and Links == 'ignore':
return {}
stat_info = None
stat_info = LStatFile(fname)
if stat_info == None:
return {}
d['DestinationPath'] = fname
d['Owner'] = pwd.getpwuid(stat_info.st_uid).pw_name
d['Owner'] = str(stat_info.st_uid)
d['Group'] = grp.getgrgid(stat_info.st_gid).gr_name
d['Group'] = str(stat_info.st_gid)
d['Mode'] = str(oct(stat_info.st_mode))[-3:]
d['ModifiedDate'] = int(stat_info.st_mtime)
d['CreatedDate'] = int(stat_info.st_ctime)
d['FileSize'] = stat_info.st_size
# if file size is 0
# dont attempt to read the file
if stat_info.st_size == 0:
d['Contents'] = ''
if Checksum == 'md5' or Checksum == 'sha-256':
d['Checksum'] = ""
elif Checksum == "ctime":
d['Checksum']= str(int(stat_info.st_ctime))
else : # Checksum == "mtime":
d['Checksum']= str(int(stat_info.st_mtime))
return d
if Checksum == 'md5' or Checksum == 'sha-256':
fileHash = GetChecksum(fname,Checksum)
d['Checksum'] = fileContentChecksum % (Checksum.upper(), fileHash.upper(), fname)
elif Checksum == "ctime":
d['Checksum']= str(int(stat_info.st_ctime))
else : # Checksum == "mtime":
d['Checksum']= str(int(stat_info.st_mtime))
if d['Type'] == 'link' and Links == 'manage' :
d['Contents'] = 'Symlink to ' + os.readlink(fname)
else :
d['Contents'], error = ReadFileLimited(fname,MaxContentsReturnable)
if d['Contents'] is None:
d['Contents'] = ''
return d
def GetDirInfo(dname, stat_info, Checksum, Links):
Return a dictionary of info for directory.
Only if 'Links' == 'follow' will links be
processed here as directories.
d = {}
if stat_info == None:
return d
d['Type'] = 'directory'
d['DestinationPath'] = dname
d['Owner'] = pwd.getpwuid(stat_info.st_uid).pw_name
d['Owner'] = str(stat_info.st_uid)
d['Group'] = grp.getgrgid(stat_info.st_gid).gr_name
d['Group'] = str(stat_info.st_gid)
if Checksum == 'md5' or Checksum == 'sha-256':
d['Checksum'] = '0'
elif Checksum == "ctime":
d['Checksum']= str(int(stat_info.st_ctime))
else : # Checksum == "mtime":
d['Checksum']= str(int(stat_info.st_mtime))
d['Mode'] = str(oct(stat_info.st_mode))[-3:]
d['ModifiedDate'] = int(stat_info.st_mtime)
d['CreatedDate'] = int(stat_info.st_ctime)
d['FileSize'] = stat_info.st_size
d['Contents'] = ''
if Links == 'manage' and os.path.islink(dname):
d['Contents'] = 'Symlink to ' + os.readlink(dname)
return d
def opened_w_error(filename, mode="r"):
f =, encoding='utf8', mode=mode)
except IOError, err:
return None, err
return f, None
def opened_bin_w_error(filename, mode="rb"):
f = open(filename, mode)
except IOError, err:
return None, err
return f, None
def ReadFileLimited(path, MaxContentsReturnable):
Safely attempt to read a text file,
ensuring file is always closed at exit.
Read up to MaxContentsReturnable.
d = ''
error = None
F, error = opened_w_error(path)
if not error:
d =
return d.encode('ascii', 'ignore'), error
def Print(s, file=sys.stderr):
file.write(s.encode('utf8') + '\n')
def LStatFile(path):
LStat the file. Do not follow the symlink.
d = None
d = os.lstat(path)
return d
def StatFile(path):
Stat the file, following the symlink.
d = None
d = os.stat(path)
return d
def GetChecksum(fname, Checksum):
src_error = None
src_block = 'loopme'
if Checksum == "md5":
src_hash = md5const()
else : # sha-256
src_hash = shaconst()
src_file, src_error = opened_bin_w_error(fname, 'rb')
if src_error:
return ""
while src_block :
src_block =
return src_hash.hexdigest()
# From python2.7
def walk(top, topdown=True, onerror=None, followlinks=False):
islink, join, isdir = os.path.islink, os.path.join, os.path.isdir
# We may not have read permission for top, in which case we can't
# get a list of the files the directory contains. os.path.walk
# always suppressed the exception then, rather than blow up for a
# minor reason when (say) a thousand readable directories are still
# left to visit. That logic is copied here.
# Note that listdir and error are globals in this module due
# to earlier import-*.
names = os.listdir(top)
except os.error, err:
if onerror is not None:
dirs, nondirs = [], []
for name in names:
if isdir(join(top, name)):
if topdown:
yield top, dirs, nondirs
for name in dirs:
new_path = join(top, name)
if followlinks or not islink(new_path):
for x in walk(new_path, topdown, onerror, followlinks):
yield x
if not topdown:
yield top, dirs, nondirs
Sindbad File Manager Version 1.0, Coded By Sindbad EG ~ The Terrorists