Sindbad~EG File Manager
* South African holidays
* Note: The Public Holidays Act (Act No 36 of 1994) determines whenever
* any public holiday falls on a Sunday, the Monday following on it shall
* be an unnamed public holiday in addition to the named holiday the day
* before. This file format is not complex enough to reflect this, but
* if it ever is, the change should be made.
* $FreeBSD: head/usr.bin/calendar/calendars/calendar.southafrica 107077 2002-11-19 00:29:36Z grog $
#ifndef _calendar_southafrica_
#define _calendar_southafrica_
03/01 Human Rights Day in South Africa
04/27 Freedom Day in South Africa
05/01 Workers Day in South Africa
06/16 Youth Day in South Africa
08/09 National Women's Day in South Africa
09/24 Heritage Day in South Africa
12/16 Day of Reconciliation in South Africa
12/26 Day of Goodwill in South Africa
Sindbad File Manager Version 1.0, Coded By Sindbad EG ~ The Terrorists