Sindbad~EG File Manager
# vim:syntax=apparmor
# abstraction for allowing graphical email clients in Ubuntu
# Users of this abstraction need to include the ubuntu-helpers abstraction
# in the toplevel profile. Eg:
# include <abstractions/ubuntu-helpers>
abi <abi/3.0>,
/usr/bin/anjal Cx -> sanitized_helper,
/usr/bin/balsa Cx -> sanitized_helper,
/usr/bin/claws-mail Cx -> sanitized_helper,
/usr/bin/evolution Cx -> sanitized_helper,
/usr/bin/geary Cx -> sanitized_helper,
/usr/bin/gnome-gmail Cx -> sanitized_helper,
/usr/lib/GNUstep/Applications/ Cx -> sanitized_helper,
/usr/bin/kmail Cx -> sanitized_helper,
/usr/bin/mailody Cx -> sanitized_helper,
/usr/bin/modest Cx -> sanitized_helper,
/usr/bin/seamonkey Cx -> sanitized_helper,
/usr/bin/sylpheed Cx -> sanitized_helper,
/usr/bin/tkrat Cx -> sanitized_helper,
/usr/bin/thunderbird Cx -> sanitized_helper, # used by gio-launch-desktop
/usr/lib/thunderbird*/thunderbird{,.sh,-bin} Cx -> sanitized_helper,
# Include additions to the abstraction
include if exists <abstractions/ubuntu-email.d>
Sindbad File Manager Version 1.0, Coded By Sindbad EG ~ The Terrorists