Sindbad~EG File Manager
# Example: demonstrate APT version methods
# Usage: apt-version compare VER1 VER2
# rel_compare REL1 REL2
# check_dep PKG OP DEP
# upstream VER
use AptPkg::Config '$_config';
use AptPkg::System '$_system';
use AptPkg::Version;
(my $self = $0) =~ s#.*/##;
# initialise the global config object with the default values
# determine the appropriate system type
$_system = $_config->system;
# fetch a versioning system
my $vs = $_system->versioning;
print '[System: ', $_system->label, '; Versioning type: ', $vs->label, "]\n";
sub describe
return 'earlier than' if $_[0] < 0;
return 'later than' if $_[0] > 0;
'the same as';
while ($_ = shift)
# compare VER1 VER2
/^comp(?:are)?$/ and do {
die "Usage: $self compare VER1 VER2\n" if @ARGV < 2;
my ($ver1, $ver2) = splice @ARGV, 0, 2;
print "* package version `$ver1' is ",
(describe $vs->compare($ver1, $ver2)), " `$ver2'\n";
# rel_compare REL1 REL2
/^rel(?:[_-]comp(?:are)?)?$/ and do {
die "Usage: $self rel_compare REL1 REL2\n" if @ARGV < 2;
my ($ver1, $ver2) = splice @ARGV, 0, 2;
print "* release version `$ver1' is ",
(describe $vs->rel_compare($ver1, $ver2)), " `$ver2'\n";
# check_dep PKG OP DEP
/^check(?:[_-]dep)?$/ and do {
die "Usage: $self check_dep PKG OP DEP\n" if @ARGV < 3;
my ($pkg, $op, $dep) = splice @ARGV, 0, 3;
my $r = $vs->check_dep($pkg, $op, $dep) ? 'satisfies'
: 'does not satisfy';
print "* package version `$pkg' $r the dependency `($op $dep)'\n";
# upstream VER
/^upstream$/ and do {
die "Usage: $self upstream VER\n" if @ARGV < 1;
my $ver = shift;
print "* upstream component of package version `$ver' is `",
$vs->upstream($ver), "'\n";
die "$self: unknown action `$_'\n";
Sindbad File Manager Version 1.0, Coded By Sindbad EG ~ The Terrorists