Sindbad~EG File Manager
# Copyright 2014 Andrew Ayer
# This file is part of strip-nondeterminism.
# strip-nondeterminism is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# strip-nondeterminism is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with strip-nondeterminism. If not, see <>.
package File::StripNondeterminism::handlers::zip;
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Temp;
use File::StripNondeterminism;
use Archive::Zip qw/:CONSTANTS :ERROR_CODES/;
# A magic number from Archive::Zip for the earliest timestamp that
# can be represented by a Zip file. From the Archive::Zip source:
# "Note, this isn't exactly UTC 1980, it's 1980 + 12 hours and 1
# minute so that nothing timezoney can muck us up."
use constant SAFE_EPOCH => 315576060;
# Extract and return the first $nbytes of $member (an Archive::Zip::Member)
sub peek_member($$) {
my ($member, $nbytes) = @_;
my $original_size = $member->compressedSize();
my $old_compression_method
= $member->desiredCompressionMethod(COMPRESSION_STORED);
$member->rewindData() == AZ_OK or die "failed to rewind ZIP member";
my ($buffer, $status) = $member->readChunk($nbytes);
die "failed to read ZIP member"
if $status != AZ_OK && $status != AZ_STREAM_END;
$member->{'compressedSize'} = $original_size
; # Work around
return $$buffer;
# Normalize the contents of $member (an Archive::Zip::Member) with $normalizer
sub normalize_member($$) {
my ($member, $normalizer) = @_;
# Extract the member to a temporary file.
my $tempdir = File::Temp->newdir();
my $filename = "$tempdir/member";
my $original_size = $member->compressedSize();
chmod(0600, $filename);
$member->{'compressedSize'} = $original_size
; # Work around
# Normalize the temporary file.
if ($normalizer->($filename)) {
# Normalizer modified the temporary file.
# Replace the member's contents with the temporary file's contents.
open(my $fh, '<', $filename) or die "Unable to open $filename: $!";
do { local $/; <$fh> }
return 1;
use constant {
sub unixtime_to_winnt($) {
my $unixtime = shift || 0;
# WinNT epoch is 01-Jan-1601 00:00:00 UTC
# diff to unix time: `date -u -d "01-Jan-1601 00:00:00 UTC" +%s`
my $secondsdiff = 11644473600;
return $unixtime + $secondsdiff;
sub normalize_extra_fields($$$) {
# See for extra field documentation
# $header_type is CENTRAL_HEADER or LOCAL_HEADER.
# WARNING: some fields have a different format depending on the header type
my ($canonical_time, $field, $header_type) = @_;
my $result = "";
my $pos = 0;
my ($id, $len);
# field format: 2 bytes id, 2 bytes data len, n bytes data
while (($id, $len) = unpack("vv", substr($field, $pos))) {
if ($id == 0x5455) {
# extended timestamp found.
# first byte of data contains flags.
$result .= substr($field, $pos, 5);
# len determines how many timestamps this field contains
# this works for both the central header and local header version
for (my $i = 1; $i < $len; $i += 4) {
$result .= pack("V", $canonical_time);
} elsif ($id == 0x000a) {
# first 4 bytes are reserved
$result .= substr($field, $pos, 2+2+4);
my ($tag, $tagsize) = (0, 0);
for (my $i = 2+2+4; $i < $len; $i += $tagsize) {
($tag, $tagsize) = unpack("vv", substr($field, $pos + $i));
$result .= substr($field, $pos + $i, 2+2);
if ($tag == 0x0001 && $tagsize == 24) {
# timestamp in 1/10th microseconds
my $timestamp = unixtime_to_winnt($File::StripNondeterminism::canonical_time) * 10**7;
# mtime
$result .= pack("VV", $timestamp % (2**32), $timestamp / (2**32));
# atime
$result .= pack("VV", $timestamp % (2**32), $timestamp / (2**32));
# ctime
$result .= pack("VV", $timestamp % (2**32), $timestamp / (2**32));
} else {
$result .= substr($field, $pos + $i, $tagsize)
} elsif ($id == 0x7875) { # Info-ZIP New Unix Extra Field
$result .= substr($field, $pos, 4);
# Version 1 byte version of this extra field, currently 1
# UIDSize 1 byte Size of UID field
# UID Variable UID for this entry
# GIDSize 1 byte Size of GID field
# GID Variable GID for this entry
# (Same format for both central header and local header)
if (ord(substr($field, $pos + 4, 1)) == 1) {
my $uid_len = ord(substr($field, $pos + 5, 1));
my $gid_len = ord(substr($field, $pos + 6 + $uid_len, 1));
.= pack("CCx${uid_len}Cx${gid_len}", 1, $uid_len, $gid_len);
} else {
$result .= substr($field, $pos + 4, $len);
} else {
# use the current extra field unmodified.
$result .= substr($field, $pos, $len+4);
$pos += $len + 4;
return $result;
sub try(&$) {
my ($sub, $errors) = @_;
@$errors = ();
my $old_error_handler
= Archive::Zip::setErrorHandler(sub { push @$errors, @_ });
my $res = $sub->();
return $res;
sub normalize {
my ($zip_filename, %options) = @_;
my $filename_cmp = $options{filename_cmp} || sub { $a cmp $b };
my $zip = Archive::Zip->new();
my @errors;
if (try(sub { $zip->read($zip_filename) }, \@errors) != AZ_OK) {
if (grep { /zip64 not supported/ } @errors) {
# Ignore zip64 files, which aren't supported by Archive::Zip.
# Ignoring unsupported files, instead of erroring out, is
# consistent with the rest of strip-nondeterminism's behavior,
# but warn about it in case someone is confused why a .zip
# file is left with nondeterminism in it. (Hopefully this won't
# happen much since zip64 files are very rare.)
warn "strip-nondeterminism: $zip_filename: ignoring zip64 file\n";
return 0;
} else {
die "Reading ZIP archive failed: " . join("\n", @errors);
if (exists($options{archive_filter})
and not($options{archive_filter}->($zip))) {
return 0;
my $canonical_time = $File::StripNondeterminism::canonical_time;
$canonical_time = SAFE_EPOCH
if not defined $canonical_time or $canonical_time < SAFE_EPOCH;
my @filenames = sort $filename_cmp $zip->memberNames();
for my $filename (@filenames) {
my $member = $zip->removeMember($filename);
# member_normalizer returns the timestamp to use.
my $timestamp = exists $options{member_normalizer}
? $options{member_normalizer}->($member, $canonical_time)
: $canonical_time;
if ($member->fileAttributeFormat() == FA_UNIX) {
($member->unixFileAttributes() & oct(100))
? oct(755)
: oct(644));
normalize_extra_fields($canonical_time, $member->cdExtraField(), CENTRAL_HEADER));
normalize_extra_fields($canonical_time, $member->localExtraField(), LOCAL_HEADER));
my $old_perms = (stat($zip_filename))[2] & oct(7777);
chmod($old_perms, $zip_filename);
return 1;
Sindbad File Manager Version 1.0, Coded By Sindbad EG ~ The Terrorists