6 Key points - Why Quickscrum is must for any software development company

As a part of our commitment to help enterprises to improve their productivity to the next level, we have decided to come up with 6 key points to help leaders to take decision to go for work management tool implementation.

We have identified following 6 key metrics for leaders to keep eye on for the better profitability.

Do you know utilization ratio of your organization?

The utilization ratio represents the percentage of total man-hours utilized for the project work vs total man-hours. UN-used is simply count as an additional man power available within your organization.

The lower utilization ratio directly impact your profitability.

Let’s say you are an organization of,

  • Total employees – 300
  • Allocated on projects – 240
  • Utilization Ratio – 80%

Maintaining this ratio is quite important job of any CXO level people.

You can surely maintain an excel sheet to get it, but it’s not the most convenient way. Also keeping historical data and sharing across the team is quite challenging.

Quickscrum provides absolutely friend Resource scheduling view to manage cross-project scheduling.

Do you know billability ratio of your organization?

The billability ratio represents percentage of total man hours billable for the project work vs total man hours. Based on the nature of your organization, either your man hours are directly billable or their time is being spent on new product development which will be monetized in the future. whatever it is, knowing percentage of billability is quite important factor for the continuous growth of your organization.

Knowing this ratio is quite important to any leader. You can surely maintain an spreadsheet to get this percentage, but it’s extremely time consuming, waste of time and require many interaction with project managers.

Quickscrum provides absolutely friendly Consolidated timesheet view to get organization level billability for any specific duration.

Do you know portfolio wise billability?

The portfolio wise billability represents percentage of total man hours billable vs total man hours available for all projects within a portfolio. In general, Portfolio is having multiple project getting executed under it.

For any organization, not all portfolios bring revenue and profitability. Maintaining spending and revenue across the portfolios is highly important for the sustainability of the organization.

Knowing the portfolio wise billability is equally important for the better decision making. You can surely maintain an spreadsheet to get these percentages, but it’s extremely challenging, waste of time and require many interactions with project managers.

Quickscrum provides absolutely friendly Consolidated timesheet view to get portfolio level billability for any specific duration.

Do you know project wise billability?

The project wise billability represents percentage of total man hours billable vs total man hours available within any project. Doesn’t matter what size of organization you are running, keeping track of project level billability is very important to get higher profitability at the organization level.

The leader absolutely need to keep watch on overall profitability as well as project level profitability to have better control over execution.

Knowing the project wise billability is equally important for the better decision making. You can surely maintain an spreadsheet to get this percentage, but it’s quite time consuming, waste of time and require lots of manual work.

Quickscrum provides absolutely friendly Consolidated timesheet view to get project wise billability for any specific duration.

Do you know resource wise billability?

The resource wise billability represents percentage of total man hours billable vs total man hours available for a specific resource. Maintaining the billability ratio for the resources who are directly working on the client projects is highly important.

The leaders absolutely need to keep watch on resource wise billability.

Quickscrum provides absolutely friendly Consolidated timesheet view to get resource wise billability for any specific duration.

Do you know where do your spend most of their time?

Isn’t it valuable to know where do your resources spend most of their time? Yes it is. It also looks quite challenging to get this ratio, but it’s not. Making timesheet filling compulsory makes this task quite easier.

Let’s say you are a software product development company then, at enterprise level you can break down tasks into following categories,

  • Requirement Engineering
  • Feasibility analysis
  • Architecture
  • Programming
  • Quality Assurance
  • Validation
  • Client Communication
  • Meeting
  • Miscellaneous

Quickscrum provides quite simple and intuitive timesheet management at project level and at organization level.

To get more insights of Quickscrum, we strongly recommend you to get a product demo with our experts. You can schedule a call here for the further discussion.