
Product Backlog Quick Tour

  • 00:06Add a story
  • 00:15Prioritize story
  • 00:43Manage backlog
  • 01:28Column configuration
  • 01:40Advance search
  • 02:06Export to Excel
  • 02:10Break down story

A product backlog is the prioritized list of User Story, Defect, Epic, Spike etc. based on the business value & priority. Learn more here.

To access product backlog, go to backlog and select Product Backlog.

On product backlog page you’ll/ user will be able to view list of all existing stories on left and Advance search functionality on right.

Configure Columns

On a product backlog you’ll able to see list of all stories. User will able to see the list view categorized in story name, story type, story code, priority and estimation point by default. If a user wants to view along with other fields such as progress, sprint, resource, no. of task etc. they can click on Configure Columns icon button and select the field they want to view in as shown below.

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