Release 3.9

ON 27 AUGUST 2020

Enhanced Left Menu

To enhance the user experience and ease of accessing the different views, we have divided Left menu into following two parts,

  • My Space: My space has My Timesheet and My Work links.
  • Company Space: Company space has Dashboard, Portfolio, Project, Resource Scheduling, Helpdesk and Reports links.
Enhanced Left Menu

My Work - Workitems

View all workitems assigned to you

As of now, getting list of workitems assigned to you (logged in user) is quite challenging. Switching from one project to another project makes user frustrated. My work for workitems resolves this issue.

My Work - Workitems

Configure columns

Configure columns you want to view for workitems.

My Work - Workitems

My Work - Subitems

View all subitems assigned to you

As of now, getting list of subitems assigned to you (logged in user) is equally challenging. My work for subitems resolves this issue.

My Work - Subitems

Configure columns

Configure columns you want to view for subitems.

My Work - Subitems

We are working on many exciting enhancements to strengthen your internal processes and speed up your project deliveries.
Good luck and stay safe
Team Quickscrum

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