Release 3.30

ON 8 JUNE 2022

Release overview

Hello Quickscrum Family,

Hope you and your entire family members are safe at home. On our exciting mission to help software companies to deliver faster, we have moved a little further today.

We also look forward to your great feedback over this release for further enhancement.

Scrum and Kanban Board

Today, We have introduced multiple view option to the Scrum Board and Kanban Board. You can switch the view according to your easy convenience. It would help you to have a great consistency in workflow.

Scrum board

As scrumboard was already having three views like Task View, List view and Matrix view, we have introduced a new view as Story view.

Story View

Kanban board

While creating Kanban board, you get a option of Create a story board or task board. As we already had a option while creating, quickscrum has introduced List View and Matrix view in Kanban board. By default, while creating a kanban board the view would be Story View.

List View

Matrix View

Note: You even get a option to pull all your ongoing workitems (Story) into your Story view (Scrum board) or Story View (Kanban Board). You only would be able to see this option, if they are inter-linked. For Eg

  • a story is planned in sprint and you change the View to story view, then all your stories get pulled.
  • a story is created in kanban and planned in sprint, then you only can pull those planned stories.

We are working on many exciting enhancements to strengthen your internal processes and speed up your software or project delivery.
Good luck and stay safe
Team Quickscrum

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